[archief] Emilie Sitzia – Columns

Emilie Sitzia – Columns

Illustration as a source of empathy, a column by Emilie Sitzia

In her new column, Prof. Dr. Emilie Sitzia writes about empathy teaching through illustration and the special power of illustrated children’s books. Continue reading here

Leading up to the new exhibition, Prof. Dr. Emilie Sitzia wrote a column about the preparations and preceding research of Trailblazers.
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“Once upon a law”: designing an interdisciplinary exhibition and giving illustration a space

Emilie Sitzia on the exhibition ‘Once Upon a Law’. The exhibition wants to find out what the link is between the Grimm Brothers’ collection of stories, their work on language, and law. It includes materials from Maastricht University’s Special Collections and aims to help students and a more general public understand the unexpected connections between storytelling, language, and law.
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Gazette du Bon Ton

A review of Gazette du Bon Ton; an expensive and exclusive magazine that (re)presented the pinnacle of French elegance, style, and taste. 
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Mode et Bande Dessinée (2019)

A review of Mode et Bande Dessinée by Thierry Groensteen; a multifaceted panorama of the relationship between fashion and comics.
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History of Illustration (2019)

A review of the complete worldwide History of Illustration. A testament of the development of illustration as a discipline.
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Art in Literature, Literature in Art in 19th Century France - Cambridge  Scholars Publishing

Why illustration matters today

On the function, power and importance of illustration in contemporary society.
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Illustratie in het wetenschappelijk onderwijs

Over de rol van Emilie Sitzia als bijzonder hoogleraar illustratie en haar specialisatie in de relatie tussen boek en kunst.
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On a green island

On the critical power of J. J. Grandville’s illustrations for the novel Robinson Crusoe.
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